

Tesla Shanghai plant produces 8,000 vehicles per week

IIA has learned that the weekly output of Tesla's Shanghai Gigafactory has reached 8,000 vehicles. These include 5,000 units of MODEL 3 and 3,000 units of MODEL Y. According to the current sales volume, the annual output of the Shanghai Super Factory will reach 400,000 vehicles, including 250,000 units of MODEL 3 and 150,000 units of MODEL Y.

English2021-01-07 13:59:14

BYD sold 56,322 vehicles in December, up 30.44% YoY

IIA learned that BYD’s sales volume in December 2020 was 56,322, a year-on-year increase of 30.44%. In 2020, sales totaled 426,972 units. BYD’s annual sales of new energy vehicles were

English2021-01-06 17:12:42

Volvo set record high sales in 2020

IIA has learned that Volvo has released sales data for 2020 in China. Data show that Volvo Cars' sales in China in December 2020 were 18,547 vehicles, an increase of 10.1% year-on-year. From January to December 2020, Volvo’s cumulative sales in China exceeded 166,300 vehicles, a year-on-year increase of 7.6%, which also set the record for Volvo’s highest annual sales in a single global market.

English2021-01-05 16:35:38

GAC expects annual sales of around 2.044 million units

IIA was informed that according to the expected completion of the GAC Group’s 2020 business plan, GAC’s monthly sales have maintained a continuous growth of more than 10% year-on-year since July. The production and sales of vehicles for the whole year are expected to be approximately 2.026 million and 2.044 million, respectively. 0.1% and a decrease of about 0.8%.

English2020-12-28 13:46:24

Volvo sold nearly 18,000 vehicles in China in November

IIA was informed that Volvo announced November sales data in China. Data show that Volvo's sales in China in November reached 17,997 vehicles, a year-on-year increase of 24.5%, breaking the highest monthly sales record. At the same time, this is also the eighth consecutive month of double-digit sales growth for Volvo. From January to November 2020, Volvo's cumulative sales in China exceeded 147,000, which is only one step away from breaking the annual sales record.

English2020-12-07 14:48:24

VW ID.4 lineup started production at Foshan & Anting plant

Three weeks ago, Volkswagen Group (China) launched two brand new ID. pure electric models based on the MEB modular electric drive platform, namely FAW-Volkswagen ID.4 CROZZ and SAIC-Volkswagen ID.4 X. A few days ago, IIA learned that the two new cars have started production at the Foshan plant and the Anting plant respectively, and will be launched in early 2021. At the same time, the total annual production capacity of Foshan and Anting plants can reach 600,000 vehicles.

English2020-12-01 16:27:00

Hongqi is only 47,000 units short of annual sales target

Despite the impact of the epidemic this year, the domestic auto market is still hot. In the past October, many car companies announced sales data for October, and Hongqi is one of them.

English2020-11-04 16:10:53

Will Roewe iMAX8 be a fast seller?

According to data provided by the China Passenger Car Association (CPCA), China’s annual sales of MPVs in 2018 were 1.665 million, and in 2019, 1.371 million were sold. In the first nine months of this year, the cumulative retail sales of MPVs was 734,000. The author conservatively estimates that the sales volume in the Q4 quarter of this year can be around 300,000 units, and the annual sales volume of MPVs is expected to exceed one million units. However, compared with 2018 and 2019, this data still shows a clear downward trend. The cause of the epidemic this year is certainly an important objective factor, which has a negative impact on consumer behavior in the overall automobile market to varying degrees. Observed from objective data, however, the overall SUV market has strong self-repair capabilities and a high degree of recovery, which indirectly reflects that consumers’ recognition and confidence in SUV products have maintained a relatively high level, while the MPV market has recovered slightly slow.

English2020-11-03 15:44:08

Geely sold over 110,000 units in August

Geely recently announced its sales data for August 2020. IIA learned from officials that the brand sold 113,443 new cars in August this year, an increase of 12% year-on-year. Not only that, the cumulative sales of Geely from January to August this year have reached 749,107 units, reaching 57% of the annual sales target of 1.32 million units, and still ranking first in sales of Chinese brand passenger vehicles. In addition, Lynk & Co. also achieved sales of 17,098 vehicles in August this year, an increase of approximately 56% year-on-year, creating the highest monthly sales volume in the history of Lynk & Co.

English2020-09-09 15:41:57

Changan 2020 semi-annual report released

On August 31, Chongqing Changan Automobile Co., Ltd. released its 2020 semi-annual financial report. The report shows that Changan’s total operating income in the first half of the year was 32.78 billion yuan, an increase of 9.73% year-on-year, and its net profit was 2.602 billion yuan, an increase of 216.17% year-on-year. At the same time, Changan also achieved a year-on-year sales growth of 1.3% in the first half of 2020, and its cumulative sales reached 830,992 vehicles, achieving both sales and profit growth.

English2020-09-04 17:48:02

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