

Great Wall Motor builds a real people's pickup

Over the past two years, Great Wall pickup trucks have flourished in the domesti

English2021-03-16 17:34:36

What is the significance of Changan CS75 PLUS's double crash test?

With the continuous development of the “new four modernizations” of automobiles, a strange phenomenon has appeared in the automobile industry. When manufacturers introduce a new car, they often use a strong stroke to introduce the intelligence and networking of the model. But the publicity of safety has been carried through. For more and more users who are concerned about car safety, they often don't know how to choose a safer car in the same class.

English2020-11-17 17:03:20

Dodge Ram 75th Anniversary Edition official pics released

IIA received a set of official pictures of Dodge Ram Power Wagon 75th Anniversary Edition. The new car is to commemorate the launch of the first mass-produced four-wheel-drive pickup truck in 1945, and is scheduled to be delivered overseas in the fourth quarter of 2020.

English2020-11-12 15:15:23

Changan's cumulative sales in October exceeded 1.5 mln units

IIA learned that in the past October, Changan Automobile Group sold a total of 212,640 new cars, a year-on-year increase of 29.7%. Specifically, the sales of Changan's Chinese brand vehicles reached 161,465 units, a year-on-year increase of 30.5%. In addition, as of October this year, the cumulative sales of Changan Automobile in 2020 have exceeded 1.5 million, and sales have achieved a sequential growth for seven consecutive months.

English2020-11-05 16:44:08

The 100,000th Great Wall Pao formally rolled off

Great Wall Pao is the flagship model of Great Wall Pickup. There are currently four products: Great Wall Pao passenger pickup, Great Wall Pao commercial pickup, Great Wall Pao off-road pickup and Great Wall Pao EV pickup. A few days ago, IIA learned from Great Wall that the 100,000th Great Wall Pao has officially rolled off the assembly line at Great Wall Motor’s Chongqing Smart Plant.

English2020-10-27 13:25:24

Changan sold 200,000 vehicles in September

Since China's auto market gradually recovered in the second quarter of this year, Changan has maintained a rapid growth posture, and monthly sales have repeatedly set new highs. A few days ago, IIA learned from officials that in the past September, Changan's sales reached 205,543 vehicles, a year-on-year increase of 28.6%. Among them, the sales of Changan Chinese brand vehicles reached 153,039 vehicles, a year-on-year increase of 31.9%. So far, Changan has achieved positive year-on-year sales growth for six consecutive months.

English2020-10-10 15:06:13

Changan's sales in August increased by 35.6%

In the first half of this year, under the background of the poor condition of China's auto market and the raging new crown epidemic around the world, Changan withstood the pressure and delivered impressive results in both sales and profits. It is not easy. Since entering the second half of the year, Changan Automobile Group has maintained a steady growth posture and has achieved positive year-on-year sales growth for several consecutive months.

English2020-09-10 14:12:54

Geely's first pickup rolled off the assembly line

IIA learned from Geely that the Geely Yuancheng FX pickup has officially rolled off the assembly line. In terms of appearance, the new car adopts a brand-new family style, and the shield-shaped grille is equipped with a waterfall-style decorative strip, which is full of visual impact. In terms of power, this pickup is equipped with a 1.8TD gasoline engine.

English2020-08-28 17:01:09

宜昌皮卡“解禁” 江西五十铃引领高端皮卡生活方式


厂商要闻2020-08-14 11:02:44

Changan released sales in July

IIA learned from Changan Automobile that its sales in July reached 164,931 vehicles, a year-on-year increase of 38.5%. The sales of Changan's Chinese brand vehicles in July were 123,548 units, a year-on-year increase of 49.9%.

English2020-08-11 14:32:27

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6岚图FREE 318正式上市 售价22.89万-26.69万元
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8方程豹SUPER 3量产版官图发布 提供三种外观设计
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9小鹏M03申报图曝光 将面向10-15万级市场
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