
Analysis on the competitiveness of Chery ARRIZO 5 PLUS

Chery Automobile has brought us many new cars in recent years. Among them, there are many star products that are sought after by consumers, such as the Tiggo 8 series. It also makes us look forward to the next new model. After the Tiggo 8 PLUS went on sale for a while, Chery finally brought us a new product-ARRIZO 5 PLUS. On December 18, 2020, this new car officially ushered in the market. A total of 8 models were launched. The price range is 69,900-9.99 million yuan.

English2020-12-30 16:54:20


GAC sold 218,800 new cars in November, up 11.4% YoY

According to official sources, the GAC Group produced 222,000 vehicles in November, up 12.4% year-on-year and 10.3% month-on-month. 218,800 vehicles were sold, a year-on-year increase of 11.4% and a month-on-month increase of 3.7%. From January to November, GAC Group produced a total of 1.814 million vehicles and sold 1.835 million vehicles from January to November. In addition, the total industrial output value of GAC Group in the first 11 months increased by 8.2% year-on-year.

English2020-12-10 15:51:51


WM's new smart BEV SUV with L4 autonomous driving unveiled

IIA learned that WM's third new smart pure electric SUV was unveiled at Baidu's "2020 Apollo Ecological Conference". This model was developed by WM in depth in collaboration with Baidu’s Apollo platform. It has L4 autonomous driving capabilities in specific scenarios and is scheduled to be launched in 2021

English2020-12-09 13:30:47


Changan Ford sold 20,291 units in November

IIA learned that Changan Ford’s retail sales in November were 20,291 units, an increase of nearly 30% year-on-year, and retail sales exceeded 20,000 units for two consecutive months. Focus and Edge achieved year-on-year and month-on-month growth in retail sales in November. In addition, from January to November 2020, Changan Ford increased by nearly 70% year-on-year.

English2020-12-02 13:54:06


Dongfeng Nissan: Expected to reach millions of sales before 2021

This year is a very special year. Sales in the global auto market have been affected by the epidemic and have declined, but only the Chinese market has shown a rebound trend after the first wave of the epidemic. As the last auto show this year, the Guangzhou Auto Show can be regarded as the best time to summarize this year.

English2020-11-30 17:40:09


NETA's new concept Eureka 03 unveiled

IIA learned from officials that NETA's new concept car Eureka 03 was unveiled at the World Internet Conference. Eureka 03 is the third concept car created by NETA. It is positioned as a new-generation smart pure electric coupe. The length and width are 4,800mm, 2,000mm and 1,400mm, the wheelbase is 2,900mm, and the endurance is up to 800 kilometers and 100 kilometers. The acceleration is less than 4 seconds. At the same time, Eureka 03 is also equipped with L4 autonomous driving.

English2020-11-23 19:02:15


Toyota Big Data Center China officially launched

IIA was informed that Toyota officially launched Toyota Big Data Center China based on AWS. It is developed by Toyota Connected (Beijing) Technology Development Co., Ltd.

English2020-11-09 17:12:08


Will Roewe iMAX8 be a fast seller?

According to data provided by the China Passenger Car Association (CPCA), China’s annual sales of MPVs in 2018 were 1.665 million, and in 2019, 1.371 million were sold. In the first nine months of this year, the cumulative retail sales of MPVs was 734,000. The author conservatively estimates that the sales volume in the Q4 quarter of this year can be around 300,000 units, and the annual sales volume of MPVs is expected to exceed one million units. However, compared with 2018 and 2019, this data still shows a clear downward trend. The cause of the epidemic this year is certainly an important objective factor, which has a negative impact on consumer behavior in the overall automobile market to varying degrees. Observed from objective data, however, the overall SUV market has strong self-repair capabilities and a high degree of recovery, which indirectly reflects that consumers’ recognition and confidence in SUV products have maintained a relatively high level, while the MPV market has recovered slightly slow.

English2020-11-03 15:44:08


JLR's global sales exceed 110k units from July to September

On October 28, British luxury car company Jaguar Land Rover announced its performance. It is reported that from July to September 2020, Jaguar Land Rover’s cumulative global sales reached 113,569 units, an increase of 53.3% compared to the previous quarter. Among them, the Chinese market grew by 14.6% month-on-month. As the most important product of Jaguar Land Rover this year, the new Land Rover Defender sold 4,508 units worldwide in September.

English2020-10-28 16:49:59


Chery once again leads China's auto exports

Hard hit by the COVID, overseas business development has become extremely difficult, and almost all companies' overseas business sectors are accepting unprecedented challenges. Then, should the overseas market continue to expand? Whether the focus should be transferred to the domestic market has become a major decision-making problem faced by enterprises.

English2020-10-23 17:23:46

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比亚迪元 PLUS



1BMW i5获中国绿色汽车评价规程 (C-GCAP)全五星
BMW i5获中国绿色汽车评价规程 (C-GCAP)全五星

全新BMW 5系正赢得更多消费者青睐,销量稳步增长



3新一代哈弗H6正式上市 售价11.79万-14.39万元
新一代哈弗H6正式上市 售价11.79万-14.39万元


4智驾/舒享全面升级 静态体验问界新M7 Ultra
智驾/舒享全面升级 静态体验问界新M7 Ultra

自问界新M7 Ultra在5月31日上市后便获得了众多用户和消费者的关注,今天我们就一起来零距离感受一下这台全面升级的“爆款SUV”吧。

5想要大空间选它准没错 实拍捷途X70 PLUS 冠军版
想要大空间选它准没错 实拍捷途X70 PLUS 冠军版

售价区间为10.59万-12.99万元,定位大家庭大七座大空间的捷途X70 PLUS 冠军版,是否能满足你的需求呢?

6乐道L60将于9月10日上市发布 预售价21.99万元起
乐道L60将于9月10日上市发布 预售价21.99万元起


7续航1300公里/满足全场景出行 到店体验星海V9
续航1300公里/满足全场景出行 到店体验星海V9


8新欧陆GT极致版将于6月25日发布 搭载插混动力
新欧陆GT极致版将于6月25日发布 搭载插混动力


9第四代BMW X3全球首发 将于2025年正式上市
第四代BMW X3全球首发 将于2025年正式上市

第四代BMW X3迎来全球首发,并将于2025年正式上市。新车采用BMW最新的家族式外观设计语言,还在车身尺寸、科技及舒适性配置等方面进行焕新升级。

10捷豹路虎与奇瑞合作 授权Freelander神行者品牌
捷豹路虎与奇瑞合作 授权Freelander神行者品牌
