
计划年内上市 全新雷诺Kangoo厢货电动版发布

雷诺全新Kangoo厢货版E-TECH Electric车型海外发布。新车是一款极具运动气质和动态风格的创新车型,主要面向车队、工匠和贸易商。

新车2021-03-25 16:39:09

The 2nd batch of Xpeng G3 was officially shipped to Norway

IIA learned that after the first batch of 100 G3s were exported to Norway in 2020 and delivered, the second batch of 209 Xpeng G3s has recently been shipped to Norway from Guangzhou Xinsha Port. It is reported that Xpeng Motors prefers Norway not only because of its supportive policies on clean energy and advanced charging infrastructure, but also because of Norwegian consumers' high awareness of electric vehicles.

English2021-02-05 16:51:57

First ride – Pininfarina Battista

Up until now, it’s all been about the numbers with the Pininfarina Battista – and, as anyone who has kept tabs on the electric-powered two-seater since its world premiere at the 2019 Geneva motor will know, they’re rather special: 1,400kW, 2,300Nm of torque and a kerb weight under 2,200kg.

English2021-02-03 20:00:01

Changan EV enters the micro BEV market

On December 24, 2020, a report released by the National Big Data Alliance of New Energy Vehicles, together with some institutions, in Beijing showed that the average annual market share of small pure electric passenger vehicles has reached about 40% in recent years. The potential consumer market makes Hongguang MINI EV the world's second best-selling new energy vehicle.

English2021-01-26 17:57:38

SAIC Volkswagen ID. Store X settled in Chengdu

IIA learned that SAIC Volkswagen's digital city showroom ID. Store X is located in Chengdu in southwest China. ID. Store X integrates brand experience, online celebrity check-in, product display, customer sales and other functions, and will help the ID. series of pure electric new energy vehicles go on sale with new retail formats.

English2021-01-14 17:51:25

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3零跑C16将于6月28日上市 预计满配售价不超20万
零跑C16将于6月28日上市 预计满配售价不超20万

零跑C16将于6月28日正式上市。新车基于LEAP 3.0技术架构打造,官方定位“超舒适智能六座SUV”,提供增程及纯电两种动力形式可选。

4东风本田猎光e:NS2正式下线 将于6月25日上市
东风本田猎光e:NS2正式下线 将于6月25日上市


5华为全新SUV谍照曝光 预计定价30万-40万元
华为全新SUV谍照曝光 预计定价30万-40万元


6大众ID.7 GTX官图公布 搭双电机/续航达595公里
大众ID.7 GTX官图公布 搭双电机/续航达595公里

大众ID.7 GTX官图公布。新车依旧采用较为简约的家族式外观设计语言,并配备专属运动组件,搭载双电机动力系统,纯电续航里程为595公里。

7全新凯美瑞2.5L双擎版上市 售价21.98万元起
全新凯美瑞2.5L双擎版上市 售价21.98万元起


8北汽制造全新品牌212发布 全新212同步亮相
北汽制造全新品牌212发布 全新212同步亮相


9法拉利12Cilindri上市 售价598.80万-658.68万元
法拉利12Cilindri上市 售价598.80万-658.68万元

法拉利12Cilindri正式上市,共推出2款车型,12Cilindri售价598.80万元,12Cilindri Spider售价658.68万元。

10广汽丰田5月销量近7万台 锋兰达月销量超2万台
广汽丰田5月销量近7万台 锋兰达月销量超2万台
