

续航达315公里 途岳纯电动版售价19.48万元


新车2020-10-29 17:53:37

SAIC Volkswagen is seeking self-breakthrough

As the third SUV model of SAIC Volkswagen, the Tharu, which was hit the market on October 31, 2018, is currently produced at the SAIC Volkswagen Ningbo plant. Recently, IIA has learned from the Department of Ecology and Environment of Jiangsu Province that SAIC Volkswagen Automotive Co., Ltd. Yizheng Branch plans to set a new Tharu model project in the existing plant area, with a total investment of 847 million yuan. The new project will adjust the production capacity of 105,000 cars to produce the Tharu without expanding construction area and increasing production capacity. After the “cold winter” of the car market in 2018, this move can be seen as a positive adjustment made by SAIC Volkswagen in 2019.

English2019-03-06 15:54:14

为途岳转移10.5万轿车产能 上汽大众寻求"破局"?


行业2019-03-06 00:00:02

Volkswagen unveils new T-Cross

Volkswagen is seeking to secure a sizeable portion of the growing global compact SUV market with its new T-Cross – the smallest of German car maker’s dedicated SUV line-up, which also includes Touareg, Tiguan, Terramont, T-Roc, Tayron and Tharu.

English2018-10-26 17:16:24

SAIC VW Tharu, with two engines optional, is to sale in Nov.

At the world premiere of the Volkswagen brand SUVs held in this March, The Tharu, SAIC Volkswagen's new compact SUV, was officially released. Then, at the Chengdu Auto Show in August, SAIC Volkswagen announced the Chinese name of the car, “Tu Yue”. On September 28, IIA received the actual car from SAIC Volkswagen. This new car whose design is inspired by the Teramont is expected to be officially introduced to the market in this November, and will become the successor to the Tiguan Silk Road edition after its launch.

English2018-09-29 18:00:48

上汽大众“小途昂”命名“途岳” 将于年内上市


新车2018-08-31 10:55:58

上汽大众Tharu将推2.0T车型 全系标配全景天窗


新车2018-07-17 15:31:11

“科技/实用”样样兼顾! 大众全新SUV内饰谍照


新车2018-07-13 14:26:19

大众小号“途昂”搭1.2T/1.4T引擎 将于年内上市


新车2018-07-11 14:43:02

上汽大众"小途昂"有了英文名 将于年内正式上市


新车2018-05-24 13:37:57

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